Running Out of Gas

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Running Out of Gas

Postby David Head » 19 Fri May, 2006 8:16 am

NOTE TO SELF: Never trust a 35 year old gas gauge.
2nd NOTE TO SELF: Always carry cell phone.
Edie and I decide to go out for a ride last night. Both of us forgot our cell phones. You see, We live out in the country. If you run out of gas it's a long walk. Fortunately, there was an old farm house with a lady mowing her grass near by. I was able borrow her phone and call Marshall (my son)and have him bring me some gas. Thank God for small miracles. David
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Postby GregR » 19 Fri May, 2006 8:26 am

David, David, David....... :roll:

I know what running out of gas feels like. Second time I had mine out I ran out of 60 mph and the gauge reading 1/4 tank. These things coast pretty good but I still had to have help pushing up a small hill and into a school parking lot. Thanks officer, I appreciate the push! :oops: :lol:
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Postby blackthree4me » 19 Fri May, 2006 12:18 pm

I too ran out of gas
the car sputtered in a real nice area to stop and hang out
my oldest asked do we have gas i think its about to run out
as I firmly stated nahh we got plenty off gas
we drove about 4 miles down the road and ran out at a auto body shop that was closed for the weekend.
ring ring hi huny will you do me a favor

Im impressed your gas gagues work at all mine dosent and its brand new
if it aint broke, break it then fix it
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Postby Bill K » 19 Fri May, 2006 10:26 pm

I installed Dolphin gauges, and their gas gauge is pretty darn accurate. Thank goodness
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Postby MURZ » 19 Fri May, 2006 10:37 pm

The second car show I went too was 60 miles from the house. I told my wife I am going to drive the buggy to the show. She says yea right? On the interstate? I say, " Look I built every inch of that car---I trust it!!" Needless to say 15 miles later I call her and say, "guess what, I am out of gas!!!!" Stuck on the side of the interstate between exits I pushed that puupy backwards for 1.5 miles to the nearest station, filled up and hauled ba honky to the show. Of course, by the time I got to the show, everyone was razzing me. Now I keep a 5 gal can filled up at the house and almost every time i go on a "journey" I fill up. I plan to add a gauge in the future.
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