Tiki Tinnie 1961

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Tiki Tinnie 1961

Postby badboyrr » 01 Wed Mar, 2017 12:45 am

I finally for the most part finished my buggy "Tiki Tinnie". Buggy came from Corpus Christi as a no runner. The fly wheel was about to fall out needed wiring and allsorts of stuff. Not sure what type it is....wish I did though! 1600 engine....runs nice with bus tranny. Hope in the near future to ride with some of you! :D
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Re: Tiki Tinnie 1961

Postby GregR » 02 Thu Mar, 2017 9:44 am

Nice! looks like you're ready for some fun.
Not sure about the body, but the dash appears to be a Berrien/Acme item.
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Re: Tiki Tinnie 1961

Postby johber41 » 04 Sat Mar, 2017 8:27 pm

Hello Badboyrr,

I am driving a 61 as well but you seem to have some advances. I'm still using the original 1200 cc engine (40hp) still running a 6 volt electrical system, and have the original donor car's front beam, pan, engine and tranny. You seem to be more modern with the dual port and the alternator. Well done on the build and check out some of my repair threads. Please call if you run into something weird. My car was the first VW for me to play with but I have learned a bunch from the folks in this club. They are very smart, they have great experience, and they are very generous with knowledge and assistance.

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Re: Tiki Tinnie 1961

Postby Bill K » 05 Sun Mar, 2017 1:53 pm

As the owner of one, I'm pretty sure it is a Berrien body.
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Re: Tiki Tinnie 1961

Postby Tappa » 19 Tue Sep, 2017 3:15 am

Don't know the mfg co but like the ride and the name.
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