Build or Repair something

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Build or Repair something

Postby johber41 » 14 Thu Mar, 2019 6:33 pm

I'm getting bored.....somebody needs to build or repair something....PLEASE!
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby Heathwerner » 16 Sat Mar, 2019 8:44 am

I am replacing a leaking rear wheel seal today. If you are bored you can come over and help me.
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby boltman » 16 Sat Mar, 2019 9:19 pm

Pulled the engine today and scraped 30 years (or more) of dirt and grease off the tranny. Tomorrow she gets some chrome and new tri-mil exhaust.
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby Heathwerner » 17 Sun Mar, 2019 7:58 am

As usual a simple rear wheel seal replacement turned into a project. I could not get the castle nut off on the driver side. Broke three 1/2 inch breaker bars, heated the nut and tried three different impacts. So not knowing any other options I ended up cutting the nut off. Not thinking ahead, I do not have a replacement nut to put back on it. So I had to leave the Baja Bug half way in the garage last night with the garage door open. Today I am going to Humble Civic Center where they are having a VW car show and Swap Meet where hopefully I will find a nut.
John, sometimes being bored is not a bad thing.
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby johber41 » 17 Sun Mar, 2019 11:11 pm

The continuing saga of the 6 volt experience
While enjoying the buggy the last couple of weeks, I have noticed a problem with there not being enough voltage to activate the starter when attempting to start the buggy. Had a sketchy starter with the original build which often would click the bendex without activating the cranking motor. There are several reasons in most cars for this happening which usually end up at the battery of the starter.

With old Volkswagen vehicles, there can be reasons that do not come up with the standard American car like crummy old wiring, bad starter bushing causing the starter to short itself out, and a worn ignition switch.

The first thing I checked was the replacement starter and bell housing bushing. Everything seemed right there. Tested the battery and charging system and they are both working and well. Replaced a 12V replacement key switch with a VW 6 volt unit. Checked for voltage drop between the battery and the starter and it appeared fine. Checked for voltage drop between the ignition switch and the starter and found an ever-changing drop there. Went to school on YouTube and learned that this is a common older Beetle problem. Result- Ordered a Hard-Start Relay Kit to relieve the failing ignition circuit. Temporary fix is a cheater push start button that basically acts like you were crossing the contacts on the starter to check it. Everything good now…..waiting on 6V hard start kit.

Had 3 pics for you guys but it will not let me attach them. I'm getting a red warning response that states the Board attachment quota has been reached. What?
Power connection.JPG
Power connection.JPG (28.27 KiB) Viewed 13786 times
Push Button bypass.JPG
Push Button bypass.JPG (26.95 KiB) Viewed 13786 times
Last edited by johber41 on 26 Tue Mar, 2019 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby Ken » 22 Fri Mar, 2019 7:41 pm

John stop breaking the buggy and get it ready for the BUGGY BLAST XVII !!!!!!!! :D Speaking of that, are you and Karen going to try and make it to Nacogdoches? It would be great to see yall and WOW what a group that has signed up so far.

Oh and John, please take a minute to review this thread about posting pictures. It should be helpful and if you have questions, please ask/post, it will probably help someone else also.
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby johber41 » 22 Fri Mar, 2019 9:15 pm

Hey Ken....we are planning on the Blast this year but Memorial Day always seems to have something happening. Just waiting for the air to clear. Will check the thread on pics...I don't need to keep breaking the buggy, it does that all on its own!
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby staggerwing » 30 Sat Mar, 2019 9:30 pm

Nice job on the remote stater John! Every buggy should have one just in case?
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby johber41 » 30 Sat Mar, 2019 11:51 pm

Thanks is a simple fix..been messing with the starters and batteries for years without trying the old jump across the starter terminals trick. That confirmed the wiring fault. Added a hard start relay kit too. now I can start it at the key or at the button. Sweet!
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby Heathwerner » 18 Thu Apr, 2019 10:25 pm

This is an engine build I have been working on for over a year now. I bought it from a retired auto mechanic teacher along with an auto shift transmission. Traded the trans for parts to rebuild the engine. First I tore it all the way down and split the case. Pulled the crank and cam then polished them both. Next I had Henry at "Bugaholics" line bore the case. Rebuilt the heads and then started putting it all back together. New piston, rings, jugs, push rod tubes, fuel pump, carb and several other parts such as exhaust I picked up used. Once I got it all put together I built a bench start up deal out of an old trany that i cut in half. I was so happy to start it up and hear it run. It is a stock dual port 1600 but seems to be really strong. So I contemplated on replacing the old reliable 1200 in my Buggy with it for awhile. Finally I decided " If its not broke, dont mess with it". With this being said I put it up for sale on Craigslist and got a call from a guy wanting to buy it to put in his Father and Son "Manx Dune Buggy" project. Go figure. I now know I made the right decision to sell it since it is going to a good cause, putting another Dune Buggy back on the road and helping a Father and Son project. They will be coming by Monday to pick it up and I was telling him about the Texas Manx Club and he sounded very interested in learning more about it. Hopefully a prospect for a new member. VWs and Dune Buggys, you gotta love them and how they spawn friends and opportunities to enjoy life.
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby Heathwerner » 18 Thu Apr, 2019 10:50 pm

20190406_154542 (1).jpg
20190406_154542 (1).jpg (36.95 KiB) Viewed 13740 times
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20190406_154522 (1).jpg (23.76 KiB) Viewed 13740 times

Sorry forgot to add pics
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Re: Build or Repair something

Postby johber41 » 26 Fri Apr, 2019 11:17 am

Very nice......
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