Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

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Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 11 Sat Jun, 2011 10:36 pm

Yup... back again, and this one is gonna stick! Third times a charm right? :lol:

For the folks that may not know me, refer to previous threads: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build, and ... v2.0

As I mentioned to a few of yall back at the classic, I have been passively looking for a while for a pan with a clear title to start a new buggy build. Back since our last build attempt, Micah (hereforth referred to as wifey) has been patiently waiting for a buggy project to fill that empty space in the garage. And let me tell you, she's been VERY patient (read: three different engine builds and a new built trans for the '67. What can I say? I like to try new things LOL). Anyways, I haven't been trying to rush or force the project, just waiting for the right deal to come to me. Watched the samba, chased a few word of mouth leads, but mostly just kept an eye on Craigslist to watch for the local deals. Well fast forward to the week before last when I saw an ad posted for a 59 Beetle in Bandera Tx. Now from the pictures it didn't look like much. Completely stripped and rough, but had the magic words "have title, make offer". We'll I didn't immediately jump on it. Came home and told the wifey what I found, and she said "go for it". I shot off an email with what I considered a fair offer and then waited. Two days went buy with no response and I figured, oh well, not meant to be. Well a few days later, I finally got a response back. The owner answered my few questions and accepted my offer. I immediately shot back an email to make plans to go check it out in person a few days later. Last Tuesday I drove down after work to verify that the title was good/clean, matched the vin on the pan, and that the tunnel on the car was solid. The rest of the car wasn't important, as long as it met these few criteria. Overall all I can say is, MAN this car was beat! Its definitely seen better days. It had been hit front and back, had body filler all over the place, floors were rotted, and the inside was full of junk. I did my best to slide down between it and the trailer it was loaded on and inspected the tunnel, looked good over all. VIN checked out, and he had ALL the old paperwork on the car. Last registered in 83, and was last sold in 89. Well I hesitated for a bit, as the car was in rough shape and I wasn't sure what I would do with it immediately. I'm working on a sand rail for a friend, so my extra garage space is currently occupied until the end of the month, and this thing wasn't pretty enough to not attract attention from the neighbors. After thinking about it, and devising a plan, I went ahead and made the deal. The owner was nice enough to offer to deliver it to me the following Saturday, as there was no way that it was going to be towed. We made plans and I took off for home calling the wifey and filling her in on all the goods. Fast forward to today, Saturday, it was delivered and unloaded in my yard ready for me to tear into it.

My immediate plans were to strip the body off the car, cut the good metal I wanted off the body, then chop the rest of it up to load in the trailer and sell for scrap. This will let me quickly deal with the eye sore in the yard, and get the chassis ready to bring into the garage when the space comes open. I also wanted to make sure to scrape off the tar-board from the tunnel and ensure that the backbone was good and solid.

Here it is in all its glory (with the extra transmission he threw in for me, as the trans in the car is an early split case)


Wifey and little squirt checking out the new project


As I mentioned, it was full of junk. Oh well, more weight for the scrap man to measure.



It was hit front and back



First order of business was clearing out all the old junk. Got a couple of cool scores out of it. Had an old school set of nerf bar bumpers, OG oil bath air cleaner, and a few other odds and ends. But mostly just junk. As expected, floors are nearly gone.


Fortunately for me, the body was already unbolted and ready for removal. With just a few snips with the wire cutters, and knocking the steering column loose, me and my neighbor (the Harley mechanic) were able to pick off the body.


After that, I knocked down all of the old tar board on the tunnel and all is good and solid! Ready for some fun!


So now for the plans. Well first off, this is going to be a LONG term project, so don't expect to see lots of updates and action anytime soon. I'll build on it as time and money allows, always waiting for good deals to come along on things we need. Definitely staying long wheelbase so we have a family cruiser (our little family is gonna be +1 again early next year ;-) ). I will be building my own floors like my last pan build using 1x2 square tubing on the perimeter and sheet metal floors. I like the strength that gives the chassis and added rigidity in the floors. Engine will be at least a small 2L stroker if not bigger, and probably have this trans buit up with all the normal goodies. As far as cosmetics, thinking a darker blue metal flake body (we'll likely be buying a new one), chrome wheels (fat in the back, skinny in the front), 6 pt roll cage, full 5 seats, etc, etc...

Anyways.. glad to be "officially back" with a project in the works!
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

1967 Beetle
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Aquabuggy » 12 Sun Jun, 2011 7:09 am

Good to see your baaack at it , your gonna love the long body with kiddo's its the only way to go.
My name is Chris and well I'm a buggy-aholic

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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby CoryN » 12 Sun Jun, 2011 5:16 pm

Welcome back!
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 12 Sun Jun, 2011 7:04 pm

Thanks guys, glad to be back working on a buggy project again...

Got the body chopped up into pieces to take to the scrap yard today. Wasn't much salvageable from the body unfortunately. Once dissected, it fits nicely in my little 4x8 utility trailer :lol:


Also picked up some old roll around shelving from my neighbor today that I will turn into a chassis dolly. I've got the chassis tucked behind the shed for the next couple of weeks until my garage gets empty again, then I'll build up the dolly and bring everything in and continue the disassembly on the pan. Overall the chassis looks like a good solid foundation to build on.
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Sunshines Buggy » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 12:51 am

Do you have a fiberglass body?
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 6:52 am

Sunshines Buggy wrote:Do you have a fiberglass body?

No I do not have one yet
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

1967 Beetle
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Bryan Porter » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 7:39 am

Hey Adam glad to see you back take your time you have in till labor day to get it running lol.
Any bets on who gets done first Adam or Bobby??????
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 7:47 am

Bryan Porter wrote:Hey Adam glad to see you back take your time you have in till labor day to get it running lol.
Any bets on who gets done first Adam or Bobby??????

Labor day huh?... Of what year? :lol:

I think Bobby might actually beat me on this one, but it could be close ;-)
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

1967 Beetle
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby ckolek » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 11:32 am

My bet goes with Adam!!!
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby CoryN » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 11:42 am

ckolek wrote:My bet goes with Adam!!!

Oh I don't know. Adam will make terrific progress and then sell it before completion.
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 12:06 pm

CoryN wrote:
ckolek wrote:My bet goes with Adam!!!

Oh I don't know. Adam will make terrific progress and then sell it before completion.

Ouch.. that hurts a little :lol:
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 3:07 pm

Well I officially own it... :mrgreen:

Went down to the tax office today and transferred the title. Got a lot of questions considering the title and the title application were filled out in 1989. No record of the car in the system any more (last registered in 83). Guy behind the counter said he had never seen a title application like that one. Answered the questions, they checked all the signatures, I paid the sales tax, and now its mine. Relatively easy considering all the horror stories I've heard in the past.
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby CoryN » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 4:17 pm

I was in the same boat on mine, only mine still showed a lien from 1965.

I think Texas is relatively accomodating though.
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Texasbuggys » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 8:39 pm

I vote Adam!! Good talking to ya this afternoon Mr Adam!
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 13 Mon Jun, 2011 9:01 pm

Texasbuggys wrote:I vote Adam!! Good talking to ya this afternoon Mr Adam!

hahaha.. likewise sir

I've been "shopping" for parts this afternoon. :lol:
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Bill K » 16 Thu Jun, 2011 8:36 am

Welcome back, Adam. Glad to see you back on the Buggy trail.
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 16 Thu Jun, 2011 1:08 pm

Bill K wrote:Welcome back, Adam. Glad to see you back on the Buggy trail.

Thanks Bill.. glad to have another buggy project to work on. Now if I could only find where I planted that money tree, this project would start progressing sooner :roll: :mrgreen:
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 24 Fri Jun, 2011 8:57 pm

Not much going on in here... thought I'd post an update

Finally got my garage cleared out and brought the new chassis in


The wifey and kid will be going to Ga in a couple of weeks, so I'll have free time in the garage at night. My plan is to get the old floor pans cut out, and then start wire wheeling the rest of the tunnel and get it cleaned up. I'm also going to start pulling the old spit case trans and strip the front end. Soaked all the various bolts in penetrant... I'll probably shoot them a time or two again before trying to loosen anything. Most of that stuff hasn't moved in a LONG time.

Also scored a nice set of original Hella chrome 62-67 tail light housings... I'm planning on doing an old school/traditional theme on the buggy.
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 11 Mon Jul, 2011 9:51 pm

A small update on the miracle buggy (I gave it a new name, it be a miracle if I can finish it this decade with my current budget :lol: )

Finally got started removing the floors. Just did a rough cut with the sawzall. Still need to chisel out the spot welds at the seams. Then I'll be wire wheeling the tunnel and putting down some primer on it. Wifey and baby are out of town, so got some time to fiddle with it this week.


Did get my chrome tails in too... Gonna kinda go retro to a certain extent on the build. Got some good ideas rolling around in my head.

Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

1967 Beetle
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Bryan Porter » 17 Mon Sep, 2012 4:12 pm

Are you done yet???
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Vee Dub Nut » 18 Tue Sep, 2012 12:42 pm

Bryan Porter wrote:Are you done yet???

haha.. no

I decided that with a long body I wanted to raise the suspension up instead of lowering or leaving it stock height (helps with the proportions), but after doing some research I found out I was going to spend as much trying to convert the swing axle pan to IRS than to start with an IRS pan. As a result I unloaded the old '59 chassis, but haven't picked up a replacement. I've eyed a few deals, but the "other" car has soaked up any free funds (not to mention the growing family). Over the last year I rebuilt my '67's drive-train completely again. I can't seem to stay away from the fuel injection and turbo stuff, so I decided why not turbocharge my big motor :mrgreen: Its a 2276 motor, FK7, Tim's StgII, T3/T4b, controlled by Megasquirt-2 w/direct fire ignition, all custom made 304SS intake (photobucket is broken, can't load a pic :cry: ).

I do have a super nice black coated turbo header and intake system perfect for a buggy. All I need is a chassis, body, engine, seats, wiring... :roll:

I wish I could find an old long wheelbase fiberglass body that I could slowly fix up and repair/repaint... The cost of a new body has been (and probably will be) a big hurdle for me, and I've got more time than money (although still short on both).
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006

1967 Beetle
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Faron » 18 Tue Sep, 2012 11:53 pm

WOW! Another third times a charm guy, and you live in or around San Antonio. I to am on my third try at building a Dune Buggy, and I am planning to move in or around San Antonio. We will have to get in touch when I move back! I wish you nothing but GOOD LUCK!
Get out there and enjoy your Dune Buggy!
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Bryan Porter » 19 Wed Sep, 2012 8:39 am

You guys could start a club Bobby S might be in there with you all.
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Re: Vee Dub Nut's Buggy Build v3.0

Postby Bill K » 23 Sun Sep, 2012 8:21 pm

Isn't Bobby past 3? :D
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