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What to do

Postby Jwatt38 » 10 Wed Jan, 2018 11:24 am

Hey everyone, new member here. So when I was a kid I spotted this purple thing under some junk in my grandparent's garage, I was told it was a dune buggy project started by my grandfather and never finished. Fast forward my whole life, my grandparents passed away and the only inheritance I was given was the dune buggy. That's all I wanted besides my grandparents. Now when we got this thing out of the garage we discovered that it was way worse than we ever imagined. Grandpa was not a welder so the "chassis" is garbage, it has a Corvair engine in it but I have already been told I will be severely underwhelmed with the performance, so the engine is no good. It probably works but is no good for me. Same with the front end. This leaves the only real usable part, the body. From my research and conversations, I have learned this was a locally made (Amarillo, Tx) glitter bug knock off. According to one source, it is made to fit a shorted VW pan as the Manx buggy bodies were made. So I have a "glitter bug" body and nothing else. The first thing I want to figure out is what direction I want to take this thing. Do I lift it and stick awesome off-road tires under it and make it my adventure mobile, or do I slam it to the ground and make it my sweet weekend cruiser for me and the lady? I wanted yalls opinions on the matter. Troubles I could run into with either setup, expenses long term. Legality. I get to start from nothing and so it can be whatever. I'm just not sure what I'd like to do. Thanks in advance for any insight or thoughts. I'm sure I will be a frequent poster to these forums as I've never built a car or buggy and will need tons of help. Thanks everyone.
Buggy Dude
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Re: What to do

Postby Jwatt38 » 10 Wed Jan, 2018 11:41 am

Thought I'd add a picture to help the creative minds.
Heres a bad picture of my project buggy
IMG_0100.JPG (200.2 KiB) Viewed 28827 times
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Re: What to do

Postby Bryan Porter » 10 Wed Jan, 2018 12:21 pm

I would like to see the frame and motor with the body off .
don't give up on the motor yet they make good HP and torque.
where are you located?
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Re: What to do

Postby Jwatt38 » 10 Wed Jan, 2018 12:36 pm

Side on Engine.
IMG_0055.JPG (168.56 KiB) Viewed 28824 times
Rear looking to Front
IMG_0070.JPG (198.43 KiB) Viewed 28824 times
I am in Amarillo, way up at the top. I'll add some more pics for you guys to see this thing. Regarding the engine I was hoping to sell it and put that money right back into this thing. I've heard good things about the Corvair engine but this one is mounted to a 3-speed auto transmission and I am certainly not into automatics lol.
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Re: What to do

Postby Bryan Porter » 10 Wed Jan, 2018 2:09 pm

yes it is looks like all corvair running gear front and rear
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Re: What to do

Postby johber41 » 13 Sat Jan, 2018 12:57 am

Hey Jwatt38,

That looks like a lot of work ahead of you, but my buggy was originally built to run a corvair 6 cyl engine until the original builder found that in order to use the corvair engine with the vw trans, he would have to buy a kit to be installed in the motor that would make it turn in the opposite direction it was originally intended. Since you do not have it adapted to the vw trans, you will not have this issue. The corvair 6 cylinder is generally more powerful then the average vw 1600. You might want to work with what you already have......

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Re: What to do

Postby ScottR » 16 Tue Jan, 2018 6:30 pm

Welcome!!! Sorry for your family's loss.

Looks like you have a good clean body, clean dash, and uncut. Look at some of the get together's, where pics are posted, we have had and get some ideas. Let your imagination go wild and have fun.
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Re: What to do

Postby Heathwerner » 17 Sat Feb, 2018 10:16 pm

That's whats so great about Dune Buggies, there are so many directions you can go and there is no right or wrong way. Go with what tickles your fancy. As I have heard from a wise man:
Dream IT - Plan IT - Build IT
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Re: What to do

Postby rogerlarkin » 23 Fri Apr, 2021 8:18 pm

I would keep it corvair and use what you've got. Your grandpa had a plan I'd try to figure out what it was and finish it. Looks like you have all the set up there.
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Re: What to do

Postby Ken » 25 Sun Apr, 2021 9:05 am

rogerlarkin wrote:I would keep it corvair and use what you've got. Your grandpa had a plan I'd try to figure out what it was and finish it. Looks like you have all the set up there.

Good advice. I wonder how this project ended up.
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Re: What to do

Postby staggerwing » 22 Sat May, 2021 8:40 am

Yessir, I too like what Roger said.. grandpa had a dream and it’s a good start! Sounds selfish, but it would be cool to have a Corvair buggy in our midst! Steve McQueen would be proud!
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Re: What to do

Postby Bill K » 27 Thu May, 2021 10:27 pm

I'll chime in by agreeing with what some have said about working with what you have. Especially since that was the direction your Grandfather was going.
As to what set up to go with for your car: Being as Texas doesn't have a lot of public lands with public access I would suggest making your car a Street Machine. You'll love all the thumbs up you'll be getting cruising the streets with your car.
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Re: What to do

Postby staggerwing » 04 Fri Mar, 2022 9:48 am

So, any progress on this little gem? Question:
Is there a hatch in the back for engine access! I think it’s a cool-looking body, something I’ve never seen. If you were able to get it in the road, you probably will enjoy the heck out of it. It can be a life-changing event, sir! Go for it!
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