by wildthang » 21 Fri Nov, 2008 9:36 pm
Finally Folks , I have the information on the Santa Fun Run Cruise in Shreveport, La. that some of the T M C M participated in last year . It will be Saturday, Dec. 13. For those who want to attend this year, we can meet at Exit 3 Greenwood, La at the Loves Truck Stop by 8 a.m. so that we can make it to the Sonic in Bossier City by 9:30 a.m.. We will then line up and leave out at 10:00 with Police escorts again this year for traffic safety. We will make 3 stops: Bossier Family Services ( one wrapped gift marked for a boy or a girl and age level) KWKH Radio Group ( unwrapped toy or toys) and then ending up at the Shreveport Bossier Rescue Mission ( toys and donations of any kind are accepted). There, they will give an award or two and provide a hot dog lunch. We will probably leave there and go get a bite to eat. Then head to Marshall, Texas and meet up at the Walmart on Hwy 59 to decorate cars for the lighted parade. We will then head downtown for parade line up. This is an invite for everyone to attend. The Toy Drive is for a wonderful cause and feels good to be part of a child's life that may not have had a gift if it wasn't for car clubs such as The Texas Manx Club. RSVP ASAP. They will have us as a group in the parade, so bring you and your family for some great family fun. Refer back to last years pics of the Marshall Parade if you don't remember how much fun we had !!!!