Schulenburg Cruise

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Schulenburg Cruise

Postby Bill K » 12 Thu Sep, 2019 8:09 pm

I want to run something up the flagpole and see if anyone is interested.

Now, please note, at this point this is just a skeleton of an idea and would need fleshing out.

Sometime in October I'd like to take a cruise from Rosenberg (or Sealy) to Schulenburg. There we would meet up with Richard (Staggerwind).

The route would be Sh 36 to Sealy: IH 10 Frontage Rd to Columbus: Hwy 90 to Schulenburg.

I'd like the speed to be leisurely and comfortable, and take time for any stops someone would like to make.

A schedule could look something like this:

Day 1: Cruise to Schulenburg
Rest break at hotel
Cruise and dinner

Day 2: Cruise Fayette County (Route to be determined, but could include the Shiner Brewery and/or a winery)

Day 3: Return Home

So, there you have it: Please share your thoughts and level of interest.

Any, and all suggestions are welcome.
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Bill K
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Re: Schulenburg Cruise

Postby Ken » 13 Fri Sep, 2019 10:07 am

You need some Houston area boys and girls, that like to get the buggy on the road and drive some miles together, to jump in! So, what say you any takers on Bills idea?
We'd be more likely to hookup in Schulenburg, but which days would be our first big :?:
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Re: Schulenburg Cruise

Postby Bill K » 13 Fri Sep, 2019 12:31 pm

I'd really like some company because as we all know one of life's great pleasures is a group of Buggies running in a pack is a pure pleasure. But it's something that has been bouncing around in my "wanta do brain" for a long time. So, if no one is interested, or can, I'll probably still do it myself.

Fayette County is my roots and there are some really nice roads to drive there. I'd love to drive them in my Buggy.
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Re: Schulenburg Cruise

Postby Heathwerner » 14 Sat Sep, 2019 8:55 am

Sounds like fun to me. Im going to say Im in at this point. When a date is settled on I can give a definite yes or no.
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Re: Schulenburg Cruise

Postby Bill K » 14 Sat Sep, 2019 9:01 am

Sounds good, Heath. A date will be coming, and of course it always depends on the weather. But, somehow, someway, I'd like to make it work.
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Bill K
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