33" tires

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33" tires

Postby Hacksaw44 » 30 Thu Jul, 2015 2:01 pm

Hey guys I am wanting to go taller on my buggy build and would like to put 33" tires on the buggy. I seen that the Tuthills out of Texas did this and I really like it. They went with a more horse power engine, wider front end and wider and longer trailing arms. I was just wondering what you guys thought of this.
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Re: 33" tires

Postby GregR » 30 Thu Jul, 2015 7:57 pm

33' tires will tend to "out run" the transmission. So instead of more horsepower (unless you're wanting to run Subaru or similar power) you should look at your transmission gearing. Something like a bus transmission with 4.56 R&P would work. Mine had 275x60 15 on the back, 32" if I remember right and was glad it had disk brakes. The larger tire will tend to overrun the brakes as well and as light as buggies are will lock up the front quicker. In a panic stop that can get real interesting real fast.
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Re: 33" tires

Postby Hacksaw44 » 31 Fri Jul, 2015 12:35 pm

Yep, I am planning on the disc brakes all the way around. So.... you are talking about getting a VW bus trans and it will bolt right up or needs an adapter? Or just get my transmission reworked ? Thanks for the reply
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Re: 33" tires

Postby GregR » 31 Fri Jul, 2015 8:05 pm

from our technical forums sticky


scroll down and they talk about converting to a bus transmission. Hope that helps.
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Re: 33" tires

Postby Aquabuggy » 02 Sun Aug, 2015 8:56 pm

Im running 33"s tires in the rear with 3x3 trailing arms, a 6 rib bus trans and disc on all 4 corners the set up works fine no problems.
I think you could get your type trans regeared and be just fine BTW are you running a swing axle or IRS?
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Re: 33" tires

Postby Hacksaw44 » 02 Sun Aug, 2015 9:57 pm

IRS. I will do one or the other on the trans. I will probably get the engine reworked also. These forums are great on the help.
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Re: 33" tires

Postby Hacksaw44 » 02 Sun Aug, 2015 9:58 pm

It is a 74' , has the balljoint in front and probably switch it out to a kingpin
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Re: 33" tires

Postby Aquabuggy » 03 Mon Aug, 2015 6:50 am

The 33" wont work with a stock IRS setup, they will hit the torsion bar/spring plate (that round thing sticking in front of the tire) There are a couple of options 1 longer trailing arms 3x3 or 2x3 or 2 use swing arm torsion bars and spring plates. They don't stick out like the irs plates do.
My name is Chris and well I'm a buggy-aholic

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Re: 33" tires

Postby BrianB » 04 Tue Aug, 2015 6:01 am

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Re: 33" tires

Postby Ken » 04 Tue Aug, 2015 12:42 pm

I run LT325/60R15/C RWL BFGoodrich Mud-Terrrain KM
Spec'ed at 30.6" diameter at new. That's an 8mm wrench in that extremely masculine, but yet handsome, looking hand.
I bought the rims and tires separately online. Had them mounted and was sweating it all the way home until I installed them.
Like Chris said, a change to short torsion bars would have resolved any clearance issue, but I'm glad I didn't need to.

My experience with gearing with these tires is that there is a significant loss of top end torque.
If you plan much offroading, you will need to deal with this at the transaxle, not with horsepower.
Horsepower will help move the rubber, but it ain't going to solve your gearing troubles.
For street driving, I don't have much issue, until I get into the hill country, then I can expect to be down shifting a little more than I was with the smaller tire setup.

Good luck and keep us posted on what you end up doing.

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Re: 33" tires

Postby Hacksaw44 » 04 Tue Aug, 2015 7:00 pm

Yep, that is an awesome looking hand lol. I am in the question stage now and taking the buggy apart now. Trying to get as much info as I can just to figure which route to go. Nice buggy also !!! I will keep you guys updated.
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Re: 33" tires

Postby johber41 » 05 Wed Aug, 2015 8:28 pm

The sand rail is looking great Ken!......any chance you upgraded to 6V?
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Re: 33" tires

Postby Ken » 06 Thu Aug, 2015 5:44 pm

johber41 wrote:The sand rail is looking great Ken!......any chance you upgraded to 6V?

6V = bonus awards
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