Registration in Texas

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Registration in Texas

Postby Buzzfagan » 24 Sat Sep, 2016 12:12 am

I am in Texas. About to try to register my Manx style buggy and can't decide if I should go classic or antique?? Keep hearing pros and cons of each as far as insurability, how much you can drive, inspections, etc.... gets a little confusing. Thoughts out there???
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Re: Registration in Texas

Postby BrianB » 24 Sat Sep, 2016 5:49 pm

Just don't call it a buggy when you do. It will get rejected. Mine is antique and no issues. drive to work couple times a month.
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Re: Registration in Texas

Postby Bill K » 24 Sat Sep, 2016 11:06 pm

Mine is "Classic". What is the difference between "Classic" & "Antique"?
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Re: Registration in Texas

Postby GregR » 25 Sun Sep, 2016 12:06 pm

A "classic" registration merely recognizes a vehicle as a classic. It still requires an annual state inspection but has no restrictions on how much or where you drive it. The "antique" registration recognizes a vehicle as an antique (at least 24 years old) and does not require an annual safety inspection. Antique registrations renew every 4 years (if I remember correctly.) That said, I've not heard of anyone having issues driving with antique plates.
Be careful not to confuse registration with how your vehicle is titled.
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Re: Registration in Texas

Postby BrianB » 25 Sun Sep, 2016 12:34 pm

GregR wrote:Antique registrations renew every 5 years .
Be careful not to confuse registration with how your vehicle is titled.

What title are you using Buzz? Starting from Scratch or VW Beetle? At any rate if you use the word Dune Buggy, chances are it will be rejected unless to go to an office that does not get updates every so often.
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Re: Registration in Texas

Postby Buzzfagan » 25 Sun Sep, 2016 7:22 pm

I am tutoring it as a VW Beetle
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Re: Registration in Texas

Postby Bobsbuggy » 26 Mon Sep, 2016 1:26 pm

I have been told to always refer to your buggy as a VW Beetle Kit Car. Even when you have it inspected.
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Re: Registration in Texas

Postby boltman » 26 Mon Sep, 2016 10:02 pm

I was told never use the word "buggy" at the DMV. I registered mine in Lewisville Texas and told them it was a kit car. One of the guys working at the DMV said he built a kit car and asked me how the vehicle was titled. I told him it was titled as a '71 Beetle and he told me to register it as a '71 Beetle.

I have a few friends who drive cars with antique plates as daily drivers and have no issues as far as the restrictions. I chose to go the antique route because my buggy does not have wipers which are required for vehicle inspections. All of the police around here know me and I have never been stopped for antique plates. I drive on errands 2 to 3 times a week.

The buggy is insured as a '71 Beetle as per the underwriters at State Farm Insurance.

Good luck with your new ride!!!

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Re: Registration in Texas

Postby Heathwerner » 26 Mon Sep, 2016 10:12 pm

I just switched mine over from classic to antique because its cheaper and you only have to register it every 5 years, thats everybody at the end of the same 5 years, 2018. They will charge you only for the years left till end the 5 years, they will pro rate it. When you run antique plates you are only supposed to drive it to car shows, which I show it every time I drive it. Only to your mechanic, which I am my own mechanic and I was test driving it. You get the idea. i have never been pulled over with my classic or antique plates and I have never heard of anyone that has.
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