by johber41 » 21 Sat Jan, 2017 1:05 pm
Hello Bill…I hope this message finds you feeling better. I somehow figured the shifter problem out, well at least for now. I did like you said and put the shifter in second gear and then pulled the chassis for the shifter all the way toward the driver’s side and tightened it. It seemed to cure the problem but it soon started failing to go into reverse. I took the shifter out and bench-tested it and found that the reverse lockout was struggling to get over the block-out bar. I ground a mild ramp into the side it first impacts and found it to work fine. Put is all back into the car and it seems good. I originally had a Hurst shifter but the cable inside for the reverse snapped. I bought an EMPI clone and it seemed to match. That may have been my first mistake. I also have to take into consideration that the Hurst shifter was installed in the buggy in 1966. So it’s fair to say that it rendered good service. I still keep a standard straight stick bug shifter on board just in case.